Group 2744

Enterprise Compliance Solution

Manage and track the entire compliance work across your company structure with NorthGRC’s enterprise solution.

How it works

Each Enterprise Solution is custom and configured for you. Depending on your organization structure, involved users, and needs, we support and implement your specific setup.

Watch this video to learn more about NorthGRC Enterprise Solution and how it can help you.

Elevate the oversight with our Enterprise solution for unified progress tracking across Company Entities.

Collaboration and oversight within companies in the same organizational structure are efficiently tracked with our Enterprise solution. 

The “Master” and the “Members'' can now effortlessly connect their compliance efforts. This provides a centralized platform for a holistic overview of compliance status and progress. 

This capability ensures that headquarters, aka the “Master”, has real-time insights into the compliance landscape across all affiliated entities, fostering transparency and efficiency. 

Enhance your governance and risk management practices by leveraging our powerful GRC tool to streamline communication, track progress, and optimize compliance strategies, all from one centralized hub.

ISO 27001/2 Rules
50+ InfoSec & GDPR document templates
Business Continuity Plans
User group segmentation

GDPR Rules
Statement of Applicability (SoA)
“Policy reading tracker”


Synchronize compliance protocols by having the 'Master' distribute templates and documents, ensuring connectivity and uniformity among 'Members'.


In our enterprise compliance solution, 'Masters' posses the capability to distribute templates and essential documents to designated 'Members,' ensuring standardized compliance procedures. 

This dynamic feature not only streamlines the communication and sharing of critical guidelines but also encourages consistency, connectivity, and uniformity across the entire compliance landscape. 'Masters' have the power to effortlessly transfer templates, keeping the entire team aligned with up-to-date protocols and best practices.

This collaborative approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also fosters a culture of shared responsibility, reinforcing the organization's commitment to regulatory compliance and risk mitigation.

ISO 27001/2 Rules
50+ InfoSec & GDPR document templates
Business Continuity Plans
User group segmentation

GDPR Rules
Statement of Applicability (SoA)
“Policy reading tracker”


Custom enterprise configuration:
Fine-tune access, responsibilities, and resources for each member, crafting a customized structure aligned with your enterprise's unique demands.


NorthGRC recognizes the demand for diversity in the number of users, roles, accesses, and needs within your organization, especially in an enterprise setup. Not all 'Members' are alike, and our platform allows you to meticulously configure the entire structure to precisely match the distinct requirements of your enterprise. 

Whether it's varying levels of access, specific responsibilities, or unique demands, our solution empowers you to craft a bespoke setup that optimally aligns with your organization's dynamics.

ISO 27001/2 Rules
50+ InfoSec & GDPR document templates
Business Continuity Plans
User group segmentation

GDPR Rules
Statement of Applicability (SoA)
“Policy reading tracker”


Book a meeting here

In the meeting, we will talk about how the NorthGRC enterprise solution fits into the company structure that you have. We need to ask some questions to draw up the big lines.
Book a meeting below, and let us know some details about your company structure and organization.