This is how NorthGRC offers technical support to our customers:

You can call us at +45 70258030, write us at, or use the designated contact forms, FAQs, and forum at
  • We will respond to support requests from our customers as soon as possible and at the latest on the next business day.
  • Our opening hours are 9:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. CET Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
  • We will help you solve technical problems, and user manual interpretation, and help with the installation, configuration, and operation of NorthGRC.  We will use reasonable efforts either to fix or to provide instructions for circumventing any errors discovered in NorthGRC.

We kindly ask you to help us respond to your requests efficiently by providing any relevant information about the problem observation together with an explanation of where you believe the problem to lie.

When we receive your request, we will acknowledge our reception, we will assign priority and will use reasonable commercial efforts to solve any problems and errors in NorthGRC and initiate timely remedial actions.

If your request is about a problem/defect/error that is expected to be remedied or corrected in a subsequent NorthGRC version, we will inform you about the planned availability of such a version. We are also pleased to receive requests for future improvements to NorthGRC; we will process such requests during our regular product management meetings for potential inclusion in a future release.

NorthGRC specifies the requirements, e.g. hardware and software requirements, in order for NorthGRC to provide the intended functionality and to enable the intended usage of the software.